
The development of George Best Belfast City Airport has significantly improved passenger facilities for the award-winning terminal building in Northern Ireland.

In order to respond to the demands of increasing passengers at the airport, the recent upgrade saw the catering and retail areas extended and reorganised by BDP Architects. nora® rubber floor coverings were specified for the airport as a durable and functional aspect of the re-development. Over 1,600m² of norament® 926 strada were installed in the terminal building, a product renowned for high durability, increased slip resistance and economic cleaning charactaristics.

For the design, BDP created a sleek pathway leading through the retail areas using a sweeping curve of alternating panels which are mirrored from floor to ceiling. An acoustic panelled roof, coupled with two contrasting colours of norament strada provide a contempory retail space for passengers.

nora rubber floor-coverings are permanently resilient, providing a high degree of walking and standing comfort throughout the service life. norament strada is particularly pleasant to walk on due to the 3.5mm thickness, which provides a greater amount of resilient compound and the ergonomic floor covering provides a warm and comfortable pathway through the airport. norament strada has a slip resistance of R10, and coupled with the comfort properties of the rubber, allows a sure footing for passengers in the departure lounges and terminal areas.

Thanks to the nature of the floor-coverings, they are easily cleaned and maintained, with excellent lifecycle savings. nora floor-coverings are mainly composed of high-grade industrial and natural rubber qualities, minerals from natural sources as well as environmentally compatible colouring pigments. nora floor-coverings contain no PVC, plasticisers (phthalates) and halogens (for example chlorine).

nora floor-coverings have been installed in hundreds of airports worldwide, including London’s Heathrow, Gatwick, Frankfurt, Shanghai, New York JFK and many more. Therefore, wherever travellers might fly to in the world, passengers are likely to find some familiarity beneath their feet.