
With its continued commitment to the environment, Tretford is launching a new environmentally friendly eco-tile for the contract flooring market.

Architects, designers and specifiers the world over are demanding more environmentally sound products and services. After years of research and trials, Tretford has created the new Tretford ECO-Tile, which will replace its original tile format.

The new Tretford ECO-Tile now comes with a unique, felt backing replacing the old PVC backing. It can be loose laid or stuck down.

The Tretford ECO-tile is the same price as the old tile format – offering environmentally sound solutions at no extra cost.

The ECO-tile is the ideal choice for environmentally conscious architects, designers and specifiers. It creates a healthy indoor environment and is easy to lay, robust and exceptionally durable.

The use of natural and sustainable materials has been a trademark of Tretford ?ooring for more than 50 years. The Tretford ECO-tile consists of 70% cashmere goat hair and 30% nylon.

Cashmere goat hair from Mongolia is the main component in Tretford carpets. Tretford uses the long, top layer of hair from the cashmere goat, which is cut with great care. This raw material is responsible for the unmistakable quality as well as the brilliance of the colours. Cashmere goat hair is soil resistant and naturally very robust. This makes Tretford ?ooring extremely durable, long-lasting and very easy to care for.

The new Tretford ECO tile is available in a wonderful array of 35 colours.

Other benefits of Tretford ECO tile include:

  • Reduces noise and sound
  • Cut resistant and does not fray
  • Suitable for under-floor heating
  • Effectively reduces particulate matter in indoor air