
When Corporate IT at the University in Copenhagen, Denmark was about to bring all their servers into two large server rooms, the consulting engineers at EKJ were looking for a new and more energy saving solution. Since the servers contain important research data, the ideal server room climate is of vital importance and reliability and fire safety are high priorities.

By installing four Munters DesiCool units for cooling of the server rooms, The University of Copenhagen has been a frontrunner in changing common practice in cooling server rooms to achieve substantial energy savings.

EKJ Consulting Engineers AS compared four different methods of cooling and the investment in DesiCool turned out to be at least 25% cheaper compared to traditional solutions and also the most energy efficient solution. Energy costs are estimated to amount to only 50% of the running costs of a traditional cooling/downflow solution.

With DesiCool the climate in the server rooms are secured without any refrigerants, without compressors and with no need of additional chillers.