Construction and consultancy company has been hired by BauMont Real Estate Capital and YardNine to deliver Edenica, in London, UK.

The planning approval for the previous offices of DAC Beachcroft and the White Swan pub at 108 Fetter Lane includes the demolition of the current buildings, construction of a new 12-storey building, as well as delivery of roof gardens, new pedestrian route and pocket square at ground level, as well as ancillary cycle parking.

As per the plan, the White Swan pub will be retained and relocated to the north-east corner of the site.

Designed by Fletcher Priest Architects, the 95,000ft2 project will seek for the highest environmental standards of BREEAM Outstanding, as well as WiredScore, SmartScore and WELL certifications.

The design of the project incorporates sustainability, technology and wellbeing aspects. It features ample planted terraces, facilities to boost active modes of travel and high-performance electric building services.

Edenica is the first project within the City of London to be designed as a ‘storage bank’ where materials are held for reuse in future via the use of ‘Materials Passports’, which are digital data sets that detail characteristics of components and materials in products and systems, thereby giving them value for current use, recovery as well as reuse in the future.

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The new project is expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Mace managing director for offices, construct Ged Simmonds said: “We are excited to take on the delivery of such an ambitious development, raising the bar on sustainability through the use of material passports, as well as smart technology to enhance occupier wellbeing.”

YardNine director Campbell MacDougall said: “This is an important milestone in the delivery of Edenica and we are looking forward to working closely with Mace to bring forward this best-in-class office development in the centre of London.”